Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Secrets of the Rich People

Why is it that some people get ahead faster than others in the money game? Why is it that many younger people are richer than you? I am not talking about rich kids whose parents are already rich. I am talking about ordinary people from the middle or working class, about the same age as you are and most likely earning in the same salary bracket that you are in. What is really the secret? The answer is Passive Income.

Let me explain here that there are only 2 types of income. One is Active and the other one is Passive.
What is Active Income? It is a type of income which requires the physical effort of an individual and is realized through salaries, wages, tips, commissions and income from business requiring ones participation. A good example is a 9-5 job.

What is Passive Income? It is a type of income derived from business ownership, rental properties and other enterprise in which an individual is not actively involved or participating in.  This is the answer to my earlier questions. Rich people work hard to increase their passive income.

There are 3 types of Passive Income

1.       Paper asset
2.       Rental Property
3.       Business

In this article, we will discuss paper assets. What are paper assets? These are investment vehicles which can be acquired in order for an individual to participate in a business or enterprise such as investing in the stock market, buying mutual funds, investing in bonds, money market and a lot more.

Let me begin with the most basic yet powerful investment called mutual fund. It is a professionally managed type of collective investment that pools money from different investors. In the Philippines many banks are already offering mutual funds such as BDO, Metrobank and BPI. There are also financial institutions such as First Metro Asset Management (a subsidiary of Metrobank), Philequity, Philam Asset Management, ATR-Kim Eng that are offering the same. Mutual funds range from equity or stock funds, bond funds, money market fund and dollar denominated funds.

What are the advantages of investing in Mutual Funds:

1.       Diversification – mutual funds buy shares from many publicly listed companies involved in various industries.
2.       Professional management – mutual funds are managed by highly competent fund managers who are appointed by the Board of Directors.
3.       Liquidity – should one decide to divest, mutual funds can be easily withdrawn.
4.   Government oversight – it is regulated and strictly monitored by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
5.       Minimum investment requirement which is 5,000 PHP and additionally 1,000 PHP to increase.

What are the disadvantages of investing in Mutual Funds:

1.       Fees – There are fees involved depending on the policy of the Company offering the mutual fund but usually it is very minimal.
2.       Less participation – since mutual funds are managed by a fund manager, all that an investor can do is to study the various funds during his or her selection process and once invested, he or she can only increase or withdraw the investment. Only the fund manager can do the buying and selling of stocks or securities for him or her.

I personally believe that investing in mutual fund is the most basic investment one should have especially for beginning investors. It doesn’t require one to be genius in the market since it is already managed by a professional fund manager. For a starting investor, mutual funds offer complete diversification that will protect one from risk with just a minimum investment of 5,000 PHP. In my case, I invest my money in equity or stock mutual fund. I have chosen First Metro Asset Management, Philequity and Philam Asset Management to do the investing for me. Investing which means the buying and selling of stocks. What I only do is buy shares of mutual funds every month after I receive my salary.

A word of caution before we move ahead and before you get excited and invest all your money in mutual 
funds. As what I always tell people, only invest if you are able to establish a minimum inventory of cash. How
much is that minimum, it depends on your cost of living and monthly income. In the world of finance, 6 
months’ worth of monthly salary is enough. Why? The reason is that, should there be an emergency
(hospitalization, company closure, calamity or a recession) you will not be withdrawing your investments
especially when the market is in the down period. What you will use for your day to day survival is your cash.
Another important thing that I tell people is that, if you are going to put your money in any form of investment,
say, in this case mutual fund or stocks for 1 or 2 years, forget it. Mutual fund and stock market are not for
you. You might as well put your money in banks. If you invest your money in mutual funds, put it there for 10
20 years. It is something that you do for your retirement. Or at the very least, you should have a time horizon
of 5 years. Meaning, you don’t withdraw your investment, you keep it there and increase for 5 years.

So there you go, Secret of the Rich number 1 – investing in mutual funds. On my next article, I will be discussing Secret of the Rich number 2 which is investing in Stock Market and how to do it online whether you are in Manila or abroad. I am based in Dubai and I make money in the stock market online. Learning stock market can also be done online nowadays. So watch out for my next article.

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